Thursday, April 11, 2024

Finishing Service.....

 Well folks...the time has come:


I am saddened to inform you, this morning, I had an appointment with my orthopedist. I am having severe pain in my hands and wrist. After many years of working as a finisher, it has come to the point that if I want to be able to do anything without pain in my hands and wrists I am going to have to stop aggravating them by continuous finishing. I am finishing the packages that have arrived here in my home already, and after those packages are finished, I will not be finishing for the public at all anymore. I do want you to know that I have many, many finishing tutorials out there and I am confident that I can teach you. Remember you can always do a “mock” finish by using muslin prior to doing it on your stitching.

My sincere apologies to inform you of this, it took a doctor scaring me about what my future may look like if I do not stop finishing to get me to make this move. I thank you for your interest in my business,

Vonna Pfeiffer


  1. I am very sorry to hear that you are in such pain and hope it gets better.
    You have finished many wonderful projects and have selflessly shared your knowledge with us. Thank you for all you have done!

  2. Good luck. And take care of yourself. I applaud you for putting your health first.

  3. I am truly sorry, Vonna - for your issues as well as for the loss that will be felt by countless stitchers out there. I never had the honor of having you finish something for me but I so wanted to have you do at least a few (and one "special" piece in particular that I have wanted to stitch for a long time.). But even though that's bridge under the water, I am so very grateful for you many finishing tutorials. They are so complete and well-done, I've even managed to surprise myself with some finishes. LOL. What a generous heart you have to have shared your abundance of gifts with us. Now, think of all the things you'll be able to do for yourself! ~Robin~

  4. I hope you are able to continue stitching though. Prayers and thanks.

  5. Dearest Vonna, no apologies are needed. You need to put your health and well-being first so you are able to do what you are called to do. If people can't understand that, then that is on them and not on you. Thinking of you, dear friend.

  6. Oh how sad!! But your health is more important. And that grandbaby needs those hands.

  7. Oh Vonna. I am so sorry to hear of your pain like this. Time for people to learn how to finish on their own from you like I have been doing for years. Thank you very much dear friend. Take good care. xoxo

  8. Save those hands for baby handling! I've been trying different non-rigid support gloves because of wrist to thumb pain and they offer some relief. But I'm still dropping so many items. I grab chocolate with my left hand now, just in case.

  9. Vonna - You have done so much, it's time for you to take care of yourself.

  10. Vonna _ Thank you for your beautiful finishing and for all the knowledge you have shared. Soon you will be using your hands to care for a baby! I also want to thank you for sharing your faith. I am always lifted in prayer through your posts.

  11. Vonna dear ~ Considering the love you have poured into your "calling" I can imagine your disappointment, but also appreciate your decision to
    conserve your health toward healing and recovery. You have been and
    will continue to be such an inspiration through your boundless generosity of spirit...Hope this does not impact your fine needlework pursuits..... Blessings +

  12. Vonna: So sorry about this happening to you, I hope you heal and are able to keep stitching, I can only imagine what the pain is for you.
    God is an amazing man he will help you heal.


  13. Your health comes first. I am so glad that I have several pieces that you finished. I hope that with stopping your finishing business your hands will heal and the pain will go away.

  14. Vonna, you are such a loving person and a blessing to others. Your tutorials are a true help and so well done. Remember that you are valuable to God and to your family for who you are and not just because of what you do.

  15. Vonna, sending prayers your hands and wrists feel better soon. You have blessed so many of us over the years with your beautiful finishing. I'm so happy to have several pieces you finished for me. I will treasure them always ! You are now in a new chapter of your life and it's time to concentrate on yourself and family. I pray your hands heal and you can spend quality time with your new grandbaby. Take care dear friend.

  16. You must take care of yourself first. I often do mock finishes with junk fabric, it really helps.

  17. I'm very grateful for all your tutorials. Take good care of yourself.

  18. You deserve a pain-free life, Vonna, especially with that new baby on the way. I'm sure this will be a big change in your life, but just think of all the happy things that you can fill your time with now... I do hope you'll be able to keep stitching and creating for yourself and your family. Wishing you all the best in this new chapter!

  19. You need to take care of yourself, Vonna. Thank you for all the tutorials.

  20. That's too bad - for you being in pain, and for your loyal customers. You needing functional hands has to come first though. I hope your personal stitching projects can continue.

  21. Do take care of yourself. Very grateful for all the tutorials that you so generously share
