


Who I am...

~ Welcome ~ 
My name is Vonna and I am known as "The Twisted Stitcher"

( This is a very complimentary digital art photo that my artist daughter, Ellie created of me from a photo. )

I am an avid needleworker, crafter, baker, cook, wife, mother and friend. I am determined to share that love with anyone wishing to learn along with me - as we always have more to learn.

 I live with my family in Bloomington, Indiana: my husband Keith and I: 

We have four children that are our pride and joy ~ Katie , Ian and Jacob and Ellie and in the summer of 2022, we were elated to add a 5th: our son-in-law Austin
Katie & Austin Wedding -1029

We share our home with three spoiled cats that we rescued: a gray short-hair named Chatterbox (affectionately referred to as Chatty and/or Fatterbox) and an orange medium-hair tabby, Red.

My tuxedo kitty, Augie - loved my son Ian so much that when Ian moved out, he couldn't bear to live without him, so he moved with Ian:

But shortly after Augie moved, out....Sophie - Ellie's dream cat - was adopted and moved in: Untitled  

*all of our animals were adopted from our local shelters - we believe firmly in giving animals in shelters homes and as a family between my home and my adult children's homes we have adopted and saved 8 cat's lives.* Please consider adopting and not shopping!

I and my family are Roman Catholics and very faithful to our Christian faith - as much as a flawed human beings can be, anyway.

Kids Serving at Christmas 2015

To know me is to know, I have a simple heart and only wants what is best for my family and friends. I am a servant and am happiest when I am giving to others. I face each day (or try to) with gladness and thankfulness and I truly try to live completely in joy. Do I meet this goal every day? Nope, I fail because I'm human and have human frailties just like anyone else. This world can be a cold place. I like to share the warmth of my heart and home with my visitors.

Life is a work in progress...
I welcome you to join my journey and perhaps we can inspire each other in joy!
thank you for sharing my journey with me!
