


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May and onward to June 2024….

 ~ warm welcome to all of you ~

As usual for me…
I’ve been busy! One thing I have incorporated into my life is:
Rest. My husband and I had our deck redone from scratch with laminate boards and railings, it was made larger and essentially it is an extension of our home. 
It has been the SINGLE BEST THING we have ever done for ourselves. We are out there all the time. 
Here’s a few photos of our recent time out there:

Oh my heavens I just adore it out there! So much so today I’m taking a break from my last finishing packages to rest my hands, suit up in my hand braces and stitch. 

Speaking of stitching, I’ve had one finish:
M Designs 
“Celtic Letter J”

Stitched on 28 count evenweave, using Classic Colorworks Belle Soie “Old Crow” 2/2

I believe he loved it! 
This is Joseph, Ellie’s boyfriend for his 23rd Birthday.
Aren’t they adorable?

That’s the only cross stitching really I’ve done. Other than that what have I been up to? 
Hours and hours of sewing on my goal of making my family line a Baptismal gown before Blueberry arrives.

I am so proud to say: 
Here it is: 
the underskirt:

It’s just simple with very soft vintage lace at the arms and neck and then larger vintage lace on the hem (it’s a bit scratchy, but this over all is 30 inches long, so baby won’t feel)
It buttons up the back (or will when I tackle that) 

Here is the gown itself:

It’s modeled after an early 1900’s “T yoke” gown because not only was the gown I baptized in that was made by my great grandmother made in the early 1900’s but I liked that the t yoke looked like a cross. 
So there it is, it features lace inserts, entredeux and more… it also buttons up in the back. Again I need to tackle that.

Here it is layered with the underskirt:

Can I just say: I am so pleased with how it turned out. I have NEVER had a sewing class, a heirloom sewing class, never been taught to sew at all. I have taught myself everything I know, and that isn’t much.

I began every sewing session with this simple prayer:
“Lord, guide my hands and mind as I try to make this gown to glorify you and bring souls to you through Baptism. Help me, I cannot do it without you. In Jesus name, Amen.”

I ended each sewing session with prayer: 
“Lord, I love you, thank you for helping me get this done, one bit at a time. Amen.”

Can I just say: I just sewed. I read the pattern instructions, didn’t understand half of it, would sit and slowly read it line by line, Sit and think about what that meant, then did what I thought and inferred the rest.

Giving it to God, and asking for help: I didn’t sew this gown the Lord did. I never had one moment’s problem. I just sewed. And if I had to use my seam ripper Iid so calmly and would rip it out and redo and it would come out perfect. Not one tear was shed over making this. Not one foul word uttered. I actually enjoyed the many hours I spent doing this. 

I was going to add some white work embroidery along the neckline, but I don’t know if I will do that to be honest. I sort of like the stark look of it. I’m waiting to see if I’m nudged to do so, God will tell me - just as he nudged me to make it when I had basically decided not to make my own and buy one. 

Well folks, that’s my life. Time is wasting and I have birds to watch and x’s to make. 

Until the next time….
Hugs and kisses in stitches, 
Vonna xxxx


  1. Nice to see you and I hope you are well.

  2. Your outdoor room looks like a little paradise to me. I'd be out there all the time as well. And your gown turned out amazingly! What a. treasure this will be for generations to come. Enjoy your day of relaxation! ~Robin~

  3. Such a treasure. Congratulations! Hope you have a little envelope with the start and finish dates for family records.

  4. Your deck is beautiful, such a peaceful setting. Your birthday stitching finish for Joseph turned out great. Ellie and Joseph look so happy together; sweet. Oh my goodness, the Baptismal gown is gorgeous ! You have made an heirloom for your family. Happy Summer........enjoy !

  5. Vonna, the baptismal gown you created for Blueberry and all the future generations is gorgeous. Well done on this accomplishment! I know that it will be a blessing and treasure to all who wear it. The Letter J for Joseph is a beauty. I love your renovated and expanded deck. I would love to join you in REST there. Have a pleasurable weekend!

  6. Complimenti Vonna il tuo terrazzo è bellissimo e il vestito per il battesino stepitoso. Un bellissimo ricordo da tramandare da generazione in generazione come ha fatto la tua bisnonna con il primo vestito..
