


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

January 18, 2023....

 ~ Greetings and Warm Welcome to my Blog! ~

It's time for my weekly check in....
what's been going on around here?

Ellie started college....
She's attending a local community college carrying 16 credit hours, an internship AND a job. 
And she is fabulous!
She IS going to continue her education in Art, however right now to meet her deadline for transfer to a 4 year university by her Junior year she has to have certain classes done. She is planning on going into Computer Science. So she isn't in Art classes currently, but she will be, hopefully this summer.

~People have asked and ~
We are exploring the possibility of getting prints done of her work, made into cards, stationary, and regular "frame worthy" prints. More info to come sometime in future....

Last week....
I did another larger order for a sweet, stitching client:

~ drum ~

~ small pillow ~

~ weighted stand-up ~

~ flat round ornament ~

~ pillow ~

~ pillow ornaments ~

~ snow globe ornament ~

~ pillow ~

~ another of my snow globe ornament finishes ~

Routine living.... 
I don't know what we've been busy about...but we've been busy. And I hate to say this, but our weather here is more like Spring than winter. Robins are buzzing by my window as I type and Blue Jays are active...Cardinals....

We are getting....
A ROOF COVERED DECK!!! added to the back of our house this year!  Contractors have been coming to give their bids on the job. I am SO EXCITED!! I have long wanted a place that I can easily just walk out my front (or back) door to get to a covered place to sit and read, nap, stitch, watch wildlife.... and so our Christmas "present" to us was that we would add this to our home this year. We currently have a deck, but it isn't covered and .... no shade so we just sit out there and bake. A couple of years ago we added a 12 x 12 pavillion and a patio on our lower level and IT IS GREAT! But to get down there I have to walk down to the basement and drag everything down 2 flights of stairs (my lights, stitching, etc). THEN if you have to use the restroom, we don't have a finished bathroom on the basement level so it's climb up stairs to the bathroom.....Having a place right off our existing living floor...FANTASTIC! I can hardly wait!

Personal Stitching...
I have continued to stitch on my Lavender and Lace ~ "Santa of the Forest" the last week. It is my #1 WIP - I'd love to see him done this year. (I re-started him last July 2022)

Here is where I left him at Week #1: 

Here is as of tis morning: 
(excuse my waste threads - I end my threads like this so I don't have to flip the frame, I just stitch and pull thread down line where I know there is stitching, stitch up to the hole it is coming out of and clip thread effectively stitching over the thread) I just find it easier this way than weaving under back - or ending in a pin stitch (when I'm doing confetti colors (especially light colors)


Here he is without any typing around him: Untitled

Here is a side by side photo comparison Week 1 to Week 2.....I've gotten a lot of work done on him, I think, personally...

OK....well that's stitching and finishing...
let's talk my lifestyle journey. Of course I'm ALWAYS trying to lose weight. And I'm trying something new this year. I feel like I want to eat something....I stop and set my timer and stitch for 15-20 minutes and drink a big glass of water. I'm trying to train myself to reward myself with stitching - which I LOVE to do - instead of eating - which I also love to do. 

So far 2 weeks in - so good.
I'm stitching small ornaments for this exercise. So far I have one done. I'll share it when I get it finished.

I think, my friends that does it for me for today....
I'll be by again next week, if not sooner!

Until next time, 
Happy Stitching!
Vonna xxxx


  1. Love your Santa it's beautiful .
    We have a large glass house out the back , its always in the sunshine , So winter it keeps us warm with the rays of sunshine , and when it gets to hot we open the doors , It's great for my stitching '
    My hubby watches the birds . You will so love your porch this year.
    All your stitching and finishing looks wonderful .
    Have a fun week hugs June.

  2. i wish you the best in your weight loss goal. Your setting a timer and stitching to break the snacking habit is a golden idea, I love it and just need to do the same. Love all your finishes they are beautiful. Are you doing any quilting? I plan to join Edyta Sitar in her free sampler quilt using the book "A Season in Blue

  3. Wishing Katie the best as she begins her college journey! The finishes you finished for your client are all beautiful, Vonna. I look forward to see your covered deck/porch area. Your Santa is looking incredible. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  4. Wishing Ellie a wonderful and successful journey ahead. She is beautifully determined and focused. Can't wait to see the places she goes. All of your finishes are wonderful, but I especially love those little snow globes for some reason. And your Forest Santa is AMAZING! Yes, you've accomplished a great deal in a week. Lucky you to be getting a covered deck. I have a very nice patio area out back, but nothing covered...just a very small narrow porch that one couldn't even fit a chair on out front. Also lucky you to be enjoying spring-like weather...says the girl who is battening down the hatches for another 8" of snow tonight/tomorrow. Grrr. ~Robin~

  5. Hello Vonna: As always your finishing is beautiful, you are very talented.
    Congratulations on the progress on Santa, he is beautiful.
    I have been following you for many years, I remember when Ellie was so small, now a young lady with a future in art, I am looking forward to seeing her cards if she does so.
    16 hours an internship and 16 credits, that is something, I wish her luck in her endeavors and hope to see her future artwork.

    Congratulations Ellie on being a super Lady.
    It is snowing here I walked the dogs at 04:00 am it had just started snowing 4 inches so far and more coming.


  6. I love your idea of stitching as a reward and as a distraction from eating whims. Brilliant! I bet I can get a lot of ornaments made this year following that plan (and even better, lose some weight). All the best to Ellie with her endeavors. She's amazing! Happy New Year and thank you for all you share with us. ❤

  7. So glad to see you back on Flosstube! I use your tutorials all the time and rewatch them regularly. They are great and so appreciated.

  8. i love the idea of stitching timer before eating. I might try that for my weekends from now on.

  9. Just a note to say hello! You were missed when you were not posting. I stumbled across the link to your blog today and was hopeful you were back....and you are! Peace be with you.
