


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall is in the air....

 ~ Greetings and Warm Welcome to my blog ~

Fall is here...
and that means so is my finishing business deadlines and the rush to get everyone's Christmas pieces back to them. I also put a mental deadline on myself - I typically want everything out of here and back to my clients by at the latest Thanksgiving, but mentally I really want everything back by November 1st. Happily, I have been REALLY WORKING HARD trying to get people's work done and back to them in a timely manner. 99% of my clients are a piece of cake to work with....but there is that 1%. I just finished my 65th customer order for this year and my 350th piece of the year...that's a whole lotta finishing. 

Let me share with you some of my finishing of late: 






























That's a selection of what I've done over the last month - not even all of it! I feel like a machine! 

When I finish this amount of work...
I really don't feel much like stitching myself. BUT I have gotten a couple of pieces stitched up:

Lila's Studio "Noel en Bleu" on 14 ct. perforated paper - next to my phone for size 

and also:

Little House Needleworks "Autumn ABC's"

I plan a couple of learning finishing tutorials for the finishing on both of these pieces - when I get a chance. I'll let you know of course when they are available for interested people out there.

My Feature Column in Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher Magazine for Autumn is this sweetie:

I called it a "lollipop" finish and it features a Halloween piece by Prairie Schooler. If you'd like to learn how I made mine then either subscribe to Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher or pick up a magazine at a local bookstore. You can subscribe and learn about subscription benefits HERE

Finishing a lot means I have to clean my Lair a lot....
here is after her weekly clean last week:

Can I just say finishing upstairs with those windows is like HEAVEN compared to my 16 years in an unfinished basement!

My family has also enjoyed some "Free Food Fridays" together - 
that means my adult kids that have moved out all come home on Fridays for supper and then some stay over for game time. This was on our patio after we ate smores until we got sick 😂

If you have made it this far....I do so hope you found some stitching inspiration!

~ Until the next time ~
All my love, 
Vonna xxxx

Sunday, September 11, 2022


 ~ Warm Welcome to my blog ~ 

September 11th....
it's been 21 years since that horrible day. My first three babies were so little and I remember the very moment that - as I watched Today on NBC - they cut to video of a burning skyscraper, people running and screaming, the news people were stressed and didn't know really what was even going on. Then as I stood in front of the tv listening and watching, a second plane - out of nowhere - flew into view and into the other tower. I remember screaming...not knowing if what I had just witnessed was real. It sure didn't seem real. My babies, Katie 3 and the twins 1, were eating their breakfasts in their highchairs right behind me. I was scared, my husband at work, what do I do? Do I need to pull the blinds, lock all my doors? hide? What? 

As the day unfolded and the days followed, we learned of tragic details of those that were killed senselessly - all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnic groups, status in life - it didn't matter what you were, just if you were there - your life senselessly ended. Our hearts were broken with grief and fear.

 However, this brought about so much more...
Do you remember the stories of acts of heroism?
 I do
Do you remember the acts of kindness to a stranger?
I do
Do you remember the pulling together of a nation?
I do
Do you remember greeting new faces in church?
I do
Do you remember hordes of people in line at the blood banks? 
I do
Do you remember the sky with no planes flying? 
I do
Do you remember the silence? 
I do
Do you remember when people laid down politics? 
I do


I was reflecting on this subject matter this morning before mass during my morning meditation.
How my heart was buoyed with hope 21 years ago. 
Hope that my nation could stop the divisiveness. 
That politics could be left with the politicians.
Hope that people would return to God - whatever faith base that means to them.
Hope that this world would be a better place for my children.
That kindness would reign.


21 years later...
it doesn't take a genius to see, that the blip on the radar during this time was just that - a blip.
It seems now people are even more divisive - looking for arguments to pick, people to hurt, much less spiritual, much more political, there is much more hatred directed at each other, everyone seems to want to get the last hit, the last sock to the belly, to get the last word crafted and aimed right at the heart of 
whom they deem their enemy.

WHY? To hurt? To make yourself feel better? Bigger? 

Certainly this online texting and chatting done now does not help matters because you cannot convey body language with your words.... and many, many, many people choose to misunderstand rather than just maybe ASK if what they think is being said, is really being said. So what happens? Angry accusatory letters, angry accusatory emails, nasty comments....finger pointing. I think it almost laughable how people will waste precious time writing out letters/comments/emails tearing someone down, pointing out all the flaws that they determine someone has and then self righteously publish it based on words, not actions. I've come to the conclusion that these people, need to take a good hard look in the mirror...
I take a good hard look at my mug every day and every day I try to - after my self reflection - determine to do BETTER. That is termed: personal growth and if you don't practice it - try it. It's eye opening.

 All of this animosity hurts my heart.

The only thing I can do today and all the remaining days of my life is do what I've done all of the previous days: pray and act in the manner that I wish to see in this world and hope. Dr. Seuss said it best (although he's even been torn down) "Be the change you want to see in the world."

May I encourage you - to keep on trying to be a positive force in the world. A light illuminating your little space of the world. Taking a breath before you strike back - believe me that is one I struggle with. I recently was told to pray and ask the Lord to illuminate those things in my character, within myself that I need to work on. I prayed...let me tell you - it didn't take long - like I mean VERY little time and VERY clearly pointed out the work I needed to do. 

We all have areas in life that need work -  all of us. But working on them doesn't dim the light, it just helps it grow stronger and a whole lot of lights put together soon has a raging fire to illuminate the oppressive darkness. 

My heart still remembers...
and my prayers are offered today for those families - those many, many families - that suffered loss on that horrible day and to all the families that continue to suffer loss from that day.

May their souls and all the souls of the departed - through the mercy of God - rest in peace.
May it be so.

All my love, 
Vonna xxxx