


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Merry Days, entry 1

 Greetings and Warm Welcome to my blog ~

a place where I share my love of all things needle and thread

First off today....

I want to thank each and everyone of you that visited my blog and left such comments and notes of kind encouragement and support. You do not realize how much that means to me. Truly.

Thank you.

Today as many of us know...

it is the beginning of a new liturgical year and the first Sunday in Advent. We light the first purple candle in our advent wreaths. (well I don't light mine specifically, I twist know and the batteries fire up 😏)

Today as we light our first candle, I pray that my Advent Season of preparing the way, is fruitful. 



I have struggled the last couple of years and particularly this year with my faith. Oh, I pray, I go to church, I give of myself to others in service. I do all the things...but I feel like I'm walking in a desert. I've had these periods before, but none that has lasted as long as this particular dry spell. I need to twist my batteries and spark it up. 

For the last month I have been preparing in my mind, how I am going to "work" my Advent, my preparation, my sparking of the fire in my heart. I have purchased a new study bible and two Advent scripture reflections to read daily during Advent.


I also have determined that I am going to try to read the entire bible in 365 days. I have tried this before (TWICE) and failed both times. This time I need more stamina. 

Today as I sat in Mass, I prayed that the Lord help guide me through these days. Help me focus, help my walk with Him. In my heart I heard Fast and Pray. I did, clear as a bell. So my plan is to fast and pray, and read and read.

Do you have a prayer intention? I still am doing my prayer intentions, writing them in my prayer book, praying over them each morning and evening. I would be honored to pray in whatever capacity for you. If you are so inclined, my email address is above on the right hand side me and I'll write your intention in my book. Nothing is ever shared, except with God.

Today was the first weekend of the Angel Tree in our church....
the coordinator of the Angel Tree for the past couple of years stepped down. It was in jeopardy of being dropped this year unless someone took it over. 
I and my girls took it over. Today I was proud to see only 8 tags remain on the tree, 78 tags were taken. And I'm hopeful the remaining ones will be taken as well. There is much organizing and work involved with the tree, but to hear the desperation in the voices of the families I've spoken to...well it makes all the work worth it. Here are the tags that I created and hung on the tree:

angel tree tags

angel tags

I thought they turned out sweet....

Today, I also shared a tutorial on how to make embroidery hoop ornaments: 

Family Ornaments 2020

Hoop Ornaments

You should see them on our tree 😍

Now these are embroidered...but needlepoint and cross stitch pieces would work the very same way. You may view the tutorial video: HERE 
The link will also be listed on my tutorial blog.

Well I think that is enough damage for one day 😀

Until next time...
keep a smile in your heart and one on your face and you just can't go wrong.
Smiles, love and big hugs, 
Vonna xxxx


  1. Happy Merry Day 1, Vonna! As I said yesterday, thank you for hanging around. Today, I am going to say thank you (and your girls) for taking on the angel tree at your church. Your hoop ornaments are precious. Where did you find the colored battery operated tapers for your Advent wreath?

  2. Vonna, I was always determined to the Bible in a year too. Of course, throughout the years, it didn't last long. For one Leviticus is hard:) Then I determined it was really going to happen. I did a different approach though. I found a Bible with a chronological order rather than the typical order. I loved it, but life happens as it always does and I determined that it would take longer than a year. I read it through in two years or a little less and it was one of the best things I ever did. I also after making it through Leviticus determined that I would read some OT and then some NT to break it up. Just some ideas to throw out at you. Grace grace grace.
    Good luck.

  3. Those are the most gorgeous Angel Tree tags I have ever seen! I have lifted and will continue to lift your faith journey in my prayers. You have taught me so much over the years. I am thrilled to be able to do something for you!

  4. Encouraged to hear your honesty about where you are spiritually. Hope all those needy will get sponsors.

  5. Thanks on a for being so willing to share. I have looked so forward to your holiday posts over the years. Blessings to you and your family.

  6. I think we all have those times in our faith journeys. We have been doing Church online since last March. I didn't realize how much I would miss being in the sanctuary and receiving communion. Our county has not been doing well so it will have to be a bit longer. We had to make a reservation for Christmas Eve so the correct number of people would attend each service. Our pastors have been wonderful leaving messages each day. It is still difficult. Last year we read Luke because there are 25 chapters. that was just the right number. I'm so glad you are back in the blog world!

  7. Hi Vonna. Thank you for the lovely post. My Grandmother and I lit our wreath last night also.
    Can you tell me which bible you are using? I always seem to have trouble finding a good one for Catholics.

    Stay safe. (if you want to email me that's OK katherkear(@)

  8. I just discovered your blog and plan to follow you. The giving tree tags are adorable. You and your daughters were wonderful to take it over. You will make Christmas a lot brighter for many people. Thank you. Be well.

  9. Love your advent wreath, would love to have one like that!!! May I ask if you sell them?

    1. No I don’t sell them. They are available though at various online Catholic stores and Amazon.. The wreath is from Hobby Lobby. I’m a crafter, not a seller.

  10. Vonna, I struggled to read through the Bible in a year for years. Then about 20 years ago my husband gave me a Chronological Bible for daily reading. It literally changed my perspective on the Bible. It is like reading a book because it's in chronological order. I have read through the Bible in a year each year since then. I love it.

  11. I have a Through the Bible in One Year on my Kindle. I love that I can highlight areas, increase or decrease the size, etc. What I like about it is you read some of the OT, a Psalm, a Proverb, then some of the NT daily. I think I will check into a Chronological Bible Vicki speaks of to see what that's like. I feel exhausted just from everything we've been through this year. I will say I've prayed more than ever. Jesus went through so much more and he focused on His Father and scripture to get him through it all. He's my inspiration not to mention my Savior. God Bless

  12. Merry Christmas. Ihave read some of the bible years ago and have bible app on ipad. I want to start daily readings.

  13. I keep trying to comment with no luck. Here I go again.

  14. I’ve been trying to post a comment but no luck. I’ll try again.

  15. I’ve been trying for a week now to post a comment. Let’s see if this works.

  16. I love your tutorials. I refer to them most times I am finishing. I just used your stocking finish for my grand daughter's Christmas stocking.

  17. Vonna, I am so happy to see these post during the Advent Season. You, truly, are a Light in so many ways. God's blessing on you and your family.
